Table of Contents


Department Chair: Dr. Andrea Rotstein
Phone: +972-2-5880302

Department Secretary: Sara Parnassa 
Phone: 02-5883965                             

Department of Classical Studies
The Faculty of Humanities
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem, 9190501


MA Studies

The M.A. program of the Classics Department enables students to deepen the knowledge they have acquired of Greek and Roman Antiquity in the course of their B.A. studies. Students are also trained to conduct academic research in the field.

During the course of their M.A. studies students are given the tools for independent academic research in the specialized areas of their choice, with an emphasis on methodological studies or distinct disciplinary orientiation.

Entrance Requirements

M.A. studies in the Classics Department are open to students who hold a B.A. degree in Classics with an average grade that meets HUJI standards, and a record of studies indicating good command of Greek and Latin and a thorough knowledge of Classical Literature.

Students holding a B.A. degree from other fields will be required to complete supplementary studies as determined by the departmental advisor.

Study tracks

There are two different tracks towards earning a M.A. degree in Classics. Studies are carried out in a research track, designed for those who subsequently intend to pursue doctoral studies or in a non-research track, which, after completion, also entitles the student to a M.A. degree in Classical Studies.

Both tracks include elective courses in Classical Studies as well as relevant related fields. These courses are chosen by the students and are subject to the approval of the Department head. Students in the research track are required to write an MA thesis.

The Department of Classics also offers Combined Study Tracks, in conjunction with other departments such as: Archaeology, History, History of the Jewish People, Linguistics, Religious Studies, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Art History, and Cultural Studies.

Structure of Study Program

Track A (research track)

Students must participate in courses amounting to 28 credits, in addition to studying a second foreign language at an "exempt" level.

a. Required courses   16 credits
Language of Specialization: M.A level seminars 8 credits  
Second classical language: M.A level seminars 4 credits  
Methodological courses or courses with a specific discipline orientation:
M.A. level seminars 4 credits  
b. Elective courses    
Classics and Humanities Faculty M.A. Seminars 12 credits  


The Classics Department offers additional seminars in Greek and Latin language and literature. Students should also participate in courses from other fields, such as classical archaeology, history of ancient religions, Greek and Roman art history, Hellenistic Jewish literature, history of the Second Temple, and Greek Philosophy.

The Department head and the Teacher supervising students in the writing of a Seminar paper of a research nature will advise them and approve their courses.

c. In addition to required course attendance, students must also meet the following requirements:

Study of a Language to the level of "exempt"
In addition to the source languages, Greek and Latin, classical scholars should have a reading knowledge of the four languages of scholarly literature in the field: English, German, French and Italian. Thus, the acquisition of an additional language during the M.A. is an essential component towards research studies.
Writing of one Seminar Paper
Writing of one extended Seminar Paper of a research nature or a Research Proposal for a Doctoral Thesis

Final Examination

Upon completion of all the coursework and the other Department requirements, students must take a final exam. The exam consists of three parts: two written exams in the student’s primary branch of specialization (Greek or Latin) and a third written exam in the second branch.

Final exams are composed on an individual basis for each student, and are coordinated to their fields of interest. (Students will not be examined on works or topics which studied for the B.A.).

Track B (non-research track)

Students must participate in courses amounting  to 40-44 credits (not including written papers).

a. Required courses    18 credits
Language of Specialization: M.A. level seminars 10 credits  
Second Language: M.A. level seminars 4 credits  
Methodological courses or courses with specific disciplinary orientations: M.A. level seminars 4 credits  
b. Elective courses from Classics and other departments (see Track A)   22-26 credits
c. In addition to their coursework, students must also meet the following requirements:    
Foreign Language to "exempt" level (as in Track A)    

Writing of two seminar papers

Integrative Final Exam (as in Track A)