Table of Contents


Department Chair: Dr. Andrea Rotstein
Phone: +972-2-5880302

Department Secretary: Sara Parnassa 
Phone: 02-5883965                             

Department of Classical Studies
The Faculty of Humanities
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem, 9190501


Doctoral Studies

Research students are part of the intellectual community of the Classics Department and routinely participate in its activities, such as departmental seminars and research projects carried out by members of the department. Students are also asked to teach courses, whenever it is possible.

Admission requirements for doctoral studies

A  M.A. degree in Classics, with a minimum average grade of 85, a minimum grade of 85 in the integrative exam, and a minimum grade of 90 in the expanded M.A. research paper.

Students who fulfill these requirements are eligible to seek a supervisor for the research dissertation they wish to pursue.

Writing a Doctoral Thesis

Stage A: Students prepare their thesis proposal with the assistance and guidance of their supervisor. Once the proposal has been completed and approved by the supervisor, it is submitted for approval to the committee for research students. This committee must approve the proposal as well and also determines the supplementary studies and coursework which the student must undertake.

Stage B: Students focus on writing their  dissertation and completing the required supplementary courses.