Table of Contents


Department Chair: Dr. Andrea Rotstein
Phone: +972-2-5880302

Department Secretary: Sara Parnassa 
Phone: 02-5883965                             

Department of Classical Studies
The Faculty of Humanities
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem, 9190501


Le Groupe d'anthropologie historique de l'Occident médiéval (GAHOM)

The Exempla project: Reading, translating, and publishing of Latin manuscripts containing exempla, and enriching current data bases of parallel Jewish sources. The Exempla project is part of the research projects in the Parisian study center GAHOM: "Le Groupe d'anthropologie historique de l'Occident médiéval". The research group was founded in 1978 and since then has been working on three online data-bases: A bibliography of Exempla literature, a texts data-base in five different languages, and ThEMa (Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii aevi), a research group working with illustrated medieval manuscripts.

Dr. Ilana Klutstein is a research member of ThEMa. 

In 2016 the Aluma research group was founded and it expands both the research themes and the time period.

GAHOM online (in French), and an info. sheet.